Everything you need to get started breastfeeding with confidence.
Three must-have products for gentle cleansing, soothing care, and cooling relief
Born from one mother’s frustration that, while nurturing their babies, new moms may go without the support they need and deserve. Her passion inspires everything we do.
We believe that when mothers thrive, we all thrive. So we strive to make every mother's journey a little easier, today and for the future.
For nearly 40 years, Lansinoh has been committed to the health and wellbeing of mothers and babies around the world.
Get to know our climate strategy, and see how we’re tracking towards the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
Our commitment to mothers includes Mother Nature. Our efforts include a (growing) collection of certified climate neutral products.
Healthy families thrive in healthy communities. We strive to make a positive impact in our own cities and towns.
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NaturalWave® Teats - 8 Pack
3 options available
Feeding Bottles with NaturalWave® Teat
From £10.99
2 options available
Feeding Bottles Starter Kit with NaturalWave® Teat
Glass Feeding Bottle with NaturalWave® Teat
From £9.99